Thursday, September 25, 2008

Carrie Underwood - Praying For Time (Idol Gives Back 2008)

The singing. The message. The music. A masterpiece. Civilization creates art. This is one instance where I HOPE that art helps create a little civilization. Like I said in my comment on Youtube. This song is right up there with Imagine by Lennon. I'll add What's Goin On by Marvin and Redemption Songs by Marley. If you don't agree... check on your soul. Peace.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Dark Angel: the good old days....

I was just reading the Wikipedia article on Dark Angel: The TV Series, with Jessica Alba and found out something I didn't know before!

Turns out that Dark Angel was greenlit for season three and then Fox changed it's mind to let Joss Whedon pilot Firelfly! WHAT?!!! Firefly SUCKED. I mean just the odds of having a new sci-fi series, especially one in outer space, that doesn't suck are astronomical and Dark Angel had already proven that it rocked... winning multiple awards by the way folks.

I understand that it is a bit of an acquired taste, a little on the Dark Side. But hell, Magnum PI was a little on the dark side too. Watch it some time. People die on like every episode and there are hookers and liars and theives everywhere. However, the story (Magnum PI) isn't all gloom because it always comes back to the loyalty of close friends and the quirky relationships between them. Hello! So did Dark Angel. Sigh...

Well at least God gave us two glorius seasons to revisit until kingdom come... or until the pulse hits and wipes out all digital data... (he he that's a Dark Angle inside joke).

On a side note. I find it interesting that Dark Angel began airing in 2000 and that 911 happened early during it's second and final season. I would not be surprised if Dark Angel were canceled NOT so much for ratings (although it would have helped if they kept it on Tuesday and had not moved it to Friday), but more because of the negative feelings towards the show in a post 911 America in a backlash against its dystopian futuristic model, and the fact that this messed up future was caused by terrorists with a bomb. In case you didn't know, in Dark Angel America has become pretty much a third world country thanks to terrorist who set off an electronic pulse with a nuclear bomb which annihilated all electronic data storage ie. bank accounts, and sent the country tumbling into chaos and eventually a deep depression under military control. Strange, on the one hand it is a show that brings me nostalgically back to a time before the paranoia and downright hysteria of the post-911 era, while on the other it is a show that sort of fore-told the era we live in and even more so the one we are headed into should we not wise up and shore up our reserves and stop spending like kids at the candy store.

I always loved the show. I love it even more NOW than ever--whenever I watch a re-run on my DVR. I love it because it shows how we're all alone in the dark. I love it because it shows how no one is alone, especially if they let their friends in. I love it because of its dark animal streets and what I deem to be very likely representations of our future (ie. Gas rations handed out by military police). I love it because it shows that life goes on even after the shit has hit the fan. I love the soundtrack and the moody blue moon cinematography. I could go on and on.

Oh and did I mention that I love it because Jessica Alba plays Max? :)

PS. I signed the petition to bring back Dark Angel and/or make a movie to finish the series properly. Reportedly, Jessica Alba said that she would love to work with James Cameron again and would do whatever he wants!!!

Check out the petition here:

Here's hoping!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

This bird has skills

What the! Man listen to this bird!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Brooke White: Our Newest Shining Star

I fancy myself a bit of a singer so I watch American Idol from time to time. Let's face it--it's mostly Karaoke for kids.

HOWEVER! (and that is a BIG however notice)

Earlier tonight I saw Brooke White performing "Let It Be" and thus I witnessed a bright star rising. Angelic of face and voice, heart felt and real, and possessing talent directly from The Muses. I have always said that singing is not about hitting notes or technical bedazzlement or stylized attitude. No. What it is about is reaching out and touching people from a distance and making them truly FEEL something real. She has that in spades and talent and musical ability to boot.

I don't know if the YouTube version of this one performance will do it justice, but I am posting it anyway!

I truly believe I have witnessed the birth of a new rising star. A light bringer for sure. I know--I wax towards hyperbole! But that is just how I feel about great singers.

Absolutely a new favorite! Watch and listen!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Wacky Japanese TV Clip

OMG WTF! This is awesome! I know I have been posting lots of very serious stuff lately ( it is important ya know ) ... well this is just the opposite--absolutely had me rolling on the floor, lmfao, rofl, ALL that.

Make sure you watch the WHOLE thing. The second prank is the best one. SWEET! I have to agree with the post where I found this first-- the blogger wrote "This next video is more proof that the Japanese can do whatever the hell they damn well please..."

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Another National ID card bill introduced...

These guys just won't stop. Check out this article about yet another tremendous threat to our freedom and civil liberties...

Social Security Surveillance Act enters House

Just makes me ill.

OMG! I can't believe it! Someone actually read my blog...

And just when I was getting used to the idea that I was just talking to myself on this blog... I checked my email and found that someone from Pandora had read my blog! I received this email:

We're glad you're continuing to find Pandora a useful resource, Matt!

If you get tired of jotting your musical finds down on paper, feel free to use our "bookmark" feature. Just click on the album art to see the option.

:) Lucia, from Pandora

Well how bout that! lol. I made a little blip on the radar. Thanks for the tip Lucia.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Pandora Radio

I have been using this for a long time now and it is better than ever! I highly recommend typing in one of your favorite bands to listen to and allowing Pandora to begin playing song after song with a sound that is similar or related in one or many of a myriad of categorizations catalogued by the Music Genome Project.

You can create your "own" channels too. Personally I love to set Pandora running in the first tab on Firefox while I browse the net, post, read, or study. When I hear something I like, but don't recognize I just quickly check Pandora and jot it down on a notepad with all the other discoveries for later reference.

Awesome music resource.

Check it out! PANDORA

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

America: Freedom to Fascism

Everybody. You and everyone you know must see this film. Watch it in its entirety here on Google Video or just go to Google Video and search for freedom to fascism. Yeah, it's a whole movie. America: Freedom to Fascism.

Throughout my adult life I have accumulated more and more knowledge about the realities of this country and the world. The fact is that I have also found it very difficult to relay that information for the simple reason that it's just too much, and sometimes too shocking to convey all at once. There is a lot to digest. And most of it runs in direct opposition to all that we have been taught--ever since we were 6 years old in classrooms lined which pictures of the 39 Presidents of the United States lining the top of the chalk board. I mean, after all, how many people actually paid attention, let alone enjoyed, history class or political science?
Not too many.
Who wants to admit that they know nothing about the subject matter at hand?
Not too many people.

And to a certain extent it is understandable--it is natural to prioritize one's life around his/her family, career and those things which are truly urgent and important to one's immediate sphere of existence. As much as matters of our world's future and country's history have seemed of utmost importance to me much of the time, I have to admit that, during extended periods of great distraction, those matters have dwindled greatly in my daily concerns and interests. It's natural. Aren't we supposed to live in a country where the government looks after certain concerns so that we don't have to?

Actually the answer to that last question is unequivocally "no", but I digress.

It has been said that gentleman don't talk about politics or religion at parties. I wonder who first said that old axiom. I really do. I do agree it is not a topic that is conducive to a light and celebratory atmosphere. Nevertheless, over the years, whether at parties or get-togethers or just chance meetings, the subject always comes up. Maybe the most disturbing trend I have seen in my lifetime is that religious beliefs have slowly, but surely, taken the place (or been piled on top) of political opinion to the point where any conversation about one involves the other as well. Uh oh! Double foul. By the way, this is NOT about religion at all. But then religion and politics are separate in America... right?

The result is that the subject has become practically untouchable. We discuss episodes of Friends or the latest music or gossip and dish on silly celebrity antics. Should we be talking about politics all the time? NO! However, those whose job it is to talk, to cover the news, to run our governments, our cities and our communities--these citizens should alert us when there is something that needs to be discussed. Most especially if it is of immense importance and urgency. To say that they have horribly failed us in that respect is quite the understatement. I don't suppose I am saying anything patently new here, but I do have a point.

I have been waiting. Maybe I should not have been waiting, but I have to admit that I have been at a loss at what to do. You see I have been waiting for enough collectively conscious knowledge to accumulate that, when I shared the things I know, I would not simply be planting a seed on rocky ground. I believe now that there is no more time to waste. The time is now, and if we don't move fast it will be too late.

This country and, no less, the world is at a huge crossroads and so...

I submit this to you now in the utmost humility and faithfulness--the results of the United States of America's 2008 Presidential election are truly insignificant without that we as the American people unite to seize back the control of this nation from the undeserving and illegally obtained devices of the elite ruling classes. In simpler terms...

We Must Abolish the Federal Reserve Bank.

The video link I am posting is to a full feature film called "America: Freedom to Fascism". If you have a hi-speed internet connection please watch it at Google Video. Yes you can watch the whole 105 minutes online in reasonable quality. I believe that Aaron Russo did a pretty good job of packaging all of the information and logically leading from one conclusion to the next. If you care about the future of your family, friends, self, and this country, you will automatically be riveted to your seat. I also understand that I already knew all this stuff, so maybe it wasn't as clearly told as I thought. (It's hard to tell when you already know the subject matter, if you see what I mean.) Please watch with an open mind! Also, I understand that receiving much of this information all in one wallop may just leave you reeling by the time its over and you may find it hard to believe. Believe it folks. Do some research if you must.

I will let Mr. Russo do the talking for now.

Please I beg you! Watch this! And think about it. Question it. It may be the most important thing you ever do.

God Bless America.

PS. If you are unable to view it through Google Video please go to this website and either order a copy there or read up on what you are missing.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Our So-called Leader

I thought I'd quick share a couple of links concerning W. They are interrelated Rolling Stone articles. I think only staunch Bush supporters would read either one of these as anything but straight forward. If you do support W, then you should already know all this stuff. I know I knew most of it, but then again unlike most voters I actually do my homework on my choices, I don't just go by the "debates" (what a joke that they still call them that), commercial spots and sound bites. If you happen to stumble on this post, all I ask is that you read them and if you find them hard to swallow, do a little digging. You'll find that most of it is public knowledge, but W and his cronies and ... ahem... business partners have a way of burying all the less than favorable facts while they exploit religious end-of-the-world fervor and actually got this playboy nepotist opportunist up on a platform of moral strength and good versus evil. Neat trick. Well ya gotta do what you gotta do when you've got a country to tear apart.

The first article is from April of 2006. George has only kept us on our path to self destruction ever since.

The second is referred to in the first. Rolling Stone can't help but say "we told you so!" They flash back to their 1999 article which drew a scary portrait of the man who would be president. If you actually knew everything in this article and still voted for Bush, you are truly confused. If you didn't know all this about Bush and you voted for him, you dropped the ball my friend--you should have found out at least as cursory a biography as this before you helped put a man into the formerly most powerful seat in the world.

Do I usually get my information from Rolling Stone? Not really, but information is information and much of this stuff I watched happen or read about before. They just reminded me. Do you remember too?

Friday, January 11, 2008

If only my head were in the sand with everyone elses...

American Express just dropped 10% on the stock market according to the WSJ. Bank of America just bought Countrywide. I could go on and on and on, but if you haven't been paying attention, or if for some reason your immediate surroundings have shielded you from seeing it... our economy and our country is on the verge of collapse.

I know those sound like strong words. Probably to most of you they sound like the rantings of someone with too much time on their hands or someone who just likes to cry wolf. Maybe you've "heard it all before." Most of all, if you don't immediately already see that I am right, then you are truly one of the fortunate and have, so far, been able to hide away you and yours from the chaos that is brewing in this Nation.

I'm not going to type out all of the reasons why right now. Frankly you should already know.

Did you know that when major corporations in this country were given a psychological evaluation for their actions, as if the corporation were a disparate entity ( I mean that's what they are legally right?), that they pretty much all turned out to be sociopaths? And don't tell me about all the charity they do. Dismantling the infrastructure of those economic classes below you and then giving handouts to the needy after is not what I call "charity."

I have so many things going on in my head these days and I realize that I lack focus in this instance. There are just a few things I want to say, and maybe later I will come back and clarify, but frankly, today is one of those days when I sincerely doubt that we as a nation will have the courage, the intelligence, the humility and the strength to save our futures. What do I mean by that? See Russia? Yeah, just like that. Federal legislation to create "federal I.D."... (said in a Russian accent "are your papers in order!?". Ha Ha. Fascism is the wave of the future.

So far I have seen only ONE politician in the Presidential race, by the way, who is either smart enough to see or honest enough to talk about the TRUE condition and future of this country, should gigantic and momentum changing reforms not be undertaken immediately, if not sooner. Ron Paul. Yeah I know, internet phenomenon bla bla bla whatever. I only wish people were smart enough to see what is right in front of their faces, because that is all he seems to talk about, that and how far we have strayed from the foundations of this country... our constitution, our belief in the rights of men, not just the "right" to rape your fellow man financial by selling out your fellow countrymen to China and Mexico and whoever else will help you make the biggest profit while you cut American jobs and wages.

"Recession"???? The politicians are finally admitting that a recession is looming. LOLOLOLOL.
We are IN a recession idiots... it is a DEPRESSION that is looming.

Wake up and smell the renminbi America.