Saturday, January 12, 2008

Our So-called Leader

I thought I'd quick share a couple of links concerning W. They are interrelated Rolling Stone articles. I think only staunch Bush supporters would read either one of these as anything but straight forward. If you do support W, then you should already know all this stuff. I know I knew most of it, but then again unlike most voters I actually do my homework on my choices, I don't just go by the "debates" (what a joke that they still call them that), commercial spots and sound bites. If you happen to stumble on this post, all I ask is that you read them and if you find them hard to swallow, do a little digging. You'll find that most of it is public knowledge, but W and his cronies and ... ahem... business partners have a way of burying all the less than favorable facts while they exploit religious end-of-the-world fervor and actually got this playboy nepotist opportunist up on a platform of moral strength and good versus evil. Neat trick. Well ya gotta do what you gotta do when you've got a country to tear apart.

The first article is from April of 2006. George has only kept us on our path to self destruction ever since.

The second is referred to in the first. Rolling Stone can't help but say "we told you so!" They flash back to their 1999 article which drew a scary portrait of the man who would be president. If you actually knew everything in this article and still voted for Bush, you are truly confused. If you didn't know all this about Bush and you voted for him, you dropped the ball my friend--you should have found out at least as cursory a biography as this before you helped put a man into the formerly most powerful seat in the world.

Do I usually get my information from Rolling Stone? Not really, but information is information and much of this stuff I watched happen or read about before. They just reminded me. Do you remember too?

Friday, January 11, 2008

If only my head were in the sand with everyone elses...

American Express just dropped 10% on the stock market according to the WSJ. Bank of America just bought Countrywide. I could go on and on and on, but if you haven't been paying attention, or if for some reason your immediate surroundings have shielded you from seeing it... our economy and our country is on the verge of collapse.

I know those sound like strong words. Probably to most of you they sound like the rantings of someone with too much time on their hands or someone who just likes to cry wolf. Maybe you've "heard it all before." Most of all, if you don't immediately already see that I am right, then you are truly one of the fortunate and have, so far, been able to hide away you and yours from the chaos that is brewing in this Nation.

I'm not going to type out all of the reasons why right now. Frankly you should already know.

Did you know that when major corporations in this country were given a psychological evaluation for their actions, as if the corporation were a disparate entity ( I mean that's what they are legally right?), that they pretty much all turned out to be sociopaths? And don't tell me about all the charity they do. Dismantling the infrastructure of those economic classes below you and then giving handouts to the needy after is not what I call "charity."

I have so many things going on in my head these days and I realize that I lack focus in this instance. There are just a few things I want to say, and maybe later I will come back and clarify, but frankly, today is one of those days when I sincerely doubt that we as a nation will have the courage, the intelligence, the humility and the strength to save our futures. What do I mean by that? See Russia? Yeah, just like that. Federal legislation to create "federal I.D."... (said in a Russian accent "are your papers in order!?". Ha Ha. Fascism is the wave of the future.

So far I have seen only ONE politician in the Presidential race, by the way, who is either smart enough to see or honest enough to talk about the TRUE condition and future of this country, should gigantic and momentum changing reforms not be undertaken immediately, if not sooner. Ron Paul. Yeah I know, internet phenomenon bla bla bla whatever. I only wish people were smart enough to see what is right in front of their faces, because that is all he seems to talk about, that and how far we have strayed from the foundations of this country... our constitution, our belief in the rights of men, not just the "right" to rape your fellow man financial by selling out your fellow countrymen to China and Mexico and whoever else will help you make the biggest profit while you cut American jobs and wages.

"Recession"???? The politicians are finally admitting that a recession is looming. LOLOLOLOL.
We are IN a recession idiots... it is a DEPRESSION that is looming.

Wake up and smell the renminbi America.