Monday, June 23, 2008

Dark Angel: the good old days....

I was just reading the Wikipedia article on Dark Angel: The TV Series, with Jessica Alba and found out something I didn't know before!

Turns out that Dark Angel was greenlit for season three and then Fox changed it's mind to let Joss Whedon pilot Firelfly! WHAT?!!! Firefly SUCKED. I mean just the odds of having a new sci-fi series, especially one in outer space, that doesn't suck are astronomical and Dark Angel had already proven that it rocked... winning multiple awards by the way folks.

I understand that it is a bit of an acquired taste, a little on the Dark Side. But hell, Magnum PI was a little on the dark side too. Watch it some time. People die on like every episode and there are hookers and liars and theives everywhere. However, the story (Magnum PI) isn't all gloom because it always comes back to the loyalty of close friends and the quirky relationships between them. Hello! So did Dark Angel. Sigh...

Well at least God gave us two glorius seasons to revisit until kingdom come... or until the pulse hits and wipes out all digital data... (he he that's a Dark Angle inside joke).

On a side note. I find it interesting that Dark Angel began airing in 2000 and that 911 happened early during it's second and final season. I would not be surprised if Dark Angel were canceled NOT so much for ratings (although it would have helped if they kept it on Tuesday and had not moved it to Friday), but more because of the negative feelings towards the show in a post 911 America in a backlash against its dystopian futuristic model, and the fact that this messed up future was caused by terrorists with a bomb. In case you didn't know, in Dark Angel America has become pretty much a third world country thanks to terrorist who set off an electronic pulse with a nuclear bomb which annihilated all electronic data storage ie. bank accounts, and sent the country tumbling into chaos and eventually a deep depression under military control. Strange, on the one hand it is a show that brings me nostalgically back to a time before the paranoia and downright hysteria of the post-911 era, while on the other it is a show that sort of fore-told the era we live in and even more so the one we are headed into should we not wise up and shore up our reserves and stop spending like kids at the candy store.

I always loved the show. I love it even more NOW than ever--whenever I watch a re-run on my DVR. I love it because it shows how we're all alone in the dark. I love it because it shows how no one is alone, especially if they let their friends in. I love it because of its dark animal streets and what I deem to be very likely representations of our future (ie. Gas rations handed out by military police). I love it because it shows that life goes on even after the shit has hit the fan. I love the soundtrack and the moody blue moon cinematography. I could go on and on.

Oh and did I mention that I love it because Jessica Alba plays Max? :)

PS. I signed the petition to bring back Dark Angel and/or make a movie to finish the series properly. Reportedly, Jessica Alba said that she would love to work with James Cameron again and would do whatever he wants!!!

Check out the petition here:

Here's hoping!

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